
10年老牌翻譯公司 術業(yè)有專攻
終身質保 譯稿終身免費質保


  Do’s and Don’ts (Taboos) in England UK 應該做的和禁忌的

    Manners are Important 禮貌是重要的

  In England...在英國 Acceptable Behaviour 合意的行為 

  1、 Do stand in line:  一定要排隊

  (In England we like to form orderly queues (standing in line) and wait patiently for our turn e.g.. boarding a bus. It is usual to queue when required, and expected that you will take your correct turn and not push in front. ’Queue jumping’ is frowned upon. )

  2、 Do say "Excuse Me": 當你想讓別人給你讓路時,一定要說“請原諒我的打擾”

  (If someone is blocking your way and you would like them to move say excuse me and they will move out of your way. )

  3、Do Pay as you Go: 在酒吧或其它場所消費后,走時別忘了付賬。

  (Pay for drinks as you order them in pubs and other types of bars.)

  4、Do say "Please" and "Thank-you": 隨時要說“請”和“謝謝”

  (It is very good manners to say "please" and "thank-you". It is considered rude if you don’t. Whenever You will notice in England that we say ’thank you’ a lot. )

  5、Do cover your Mouth: 當你打呵欠或咳嗽時一定要用手捂上嘴

  When yawning or coughing always cover your mouth with your hand.

?。?、Do Shake Hands: 當你第一次被介紹給別人時,要同他們握手。

  When you are first introduced to someone, shake their right hand with your own right hand.

  7、 Do say sorry: 無意中碰撞別人時要說“對不起”

  If you accidentally bump into someone, say ’sorry’. They probably will too, even if it was your fault! This is a habit and can be seen as very amusing by an ’outsider’.

  8、Do Smile: 要微笑,一張微笑的臉總是受歡迎的。

  A smiling face is a welcoming face.

  9、Do Drive on the left side of the road 靠左行駛(這一條就不必學了,等到了香港、英國、日本再學吧。)

 In England... 在英國禁忌的行為 

  1、Do not greet people with a kiss: 不能隨便親吻別人,我們只親吻自己的親人和關系密切的朋友

  We only kiss people who are close friends and relatives.

  2、Avoid talking loudly in public 避免在公共場所大聲交談或盯著別人看。

 It is impolite to stare at anyone in public.

  3、Privacy is highly regarded. 要高度尊重別人的隱私權

  4、Do not pick your nose in public: 不要在公共場所挖鼻孔

  We are disgusted by this. If your nostrils need de-bugging, use a handkerchief.

  5、Avoid doing gestures such as backslapping and hugging 避免過分親熱的舉動,例如擁抱。(這只是在好朋友之間才可以)。

  (This is only done among close friends. )

  6、Do not spit. 不隨地吐痰,在街上吐痰是很嚴重的壞習慣。

  Spitting in the street is considered to be very bad mannered.

  7、Do not burp in public 不要在公共場所打飽嗝。(大聲打飽嗝可能會讓你感到舒服,但會讓別人感到不舒服,如果你實在控制不了,請用手捂住嘴并對其他人說“對不起”)

  You may feel better by burping loudly after eating or drinking, but other people will not! If you can not stop a burp from bursting out, then cover your mouth with your hand and say ’excuse me’ afterwards.

  8、Do not pass wind in public 不要在公共場所放屁(找一個私人空間讓它出來,如果你無意中在人群中放出來了,要說“原諒我”)

  (Now how can we say this politely? Let’s say that you want to pass wind. What do you do? Go somewhere private and let it out. If you accidently pass wind in company say ’pardon me’. )

  9、It is impolite speak with your mouth full of food 嘴里塞滿食物時同別人說話是不禮貌的。

  10、Do not ask personal or intimate questions 不要問別人私人的或隱私的問題(我們希望保留自己的隱私,請不要問一些問題例如:“你掙多少錢?”、“你體重多少?”、“你為什么不結婚?”)

?。╓e like our privacy. Please do not ask questions such as "How much money do you earn?" "How much do you weigh?" or "Why aren’t you married?". )



資質正規(guī)  經(jīng)驗豐富  語種齊全  價格實惠  交易安全

翻譯經(jīng)驗豐富 術業(yè)有專攻

1. 10年+ 從事翻譯行業(yè); 2. 堅持翻譯人員與翻譯資料專業(yè)對口的原則,任何專業(yè)資料的翻譯必須由具有對應專業(yè)深厚背景知識和學歷的翻譯人員承擔; 3.專業(yè)術語庫與語料庫積累


1. 我們嚴格遵守國家標準執(zhí)行翻譯 2. 我們建立了ISO翻譯質量管理體系 3. 我們擁有完善的售后服務體系   終身質保;不限次數(shù)、不限時間免費修改至滿意為止


1. 正規(guī)備案涉外翻譯機構;[查看公司涉外翻譯資質] 2. 中國翻譯協(xié)會&美國翻譯協(xié)會認證會員;[查看翻譯協(xié)會資質] 3. 各類譯員資質齊全;  [查看譯員資質]


1. 支持支付寶擔保交易,滿意付款 2. 支持天貓/淘寶店/支付寶/微信支付