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   They rose together as one man.

  He worked as a slave. (He was a slave.)

  He worked like a slave. (He was not a slave.)



  Sam took his long days as a matter of course.

  He looked upon it as certain.

  I don't regard you as being dangerous.

  We consider the wire as disconnected.



   His life as a pilot came to a sudden end.

  All his life he worked hard as the only employee in- the small grocery.

  The report was considered as false.

  He is better known all over the world as Mark Twain.

  常用于這類結(jié)構(gòu)的動(dòng)詞有:accept, acknowledge, choose, class, classify, consider, declare, define, denounce, describe, elect, express, interpret, look upon, name, organize, recognize, refer to, regard, represent, see, take, think of, treat, use, view等。



  Paul runs fast, but I run just as fast. ( = I run just as fast as he does.)

  Tom has a lot of money but I don't have as much. ( = I don't have as much as he does. )


   man as different from other animals

  man as described by scientists



   They took in as many people as could be accommodated in the small motel.

  As has been said before, grammar is not a set of dead rules.

  Pedro is late, as is often the case.



   He came up just as I reached the door.

  As they were walking towards the bus stop, it began to rain.

  As one gets older, one gets more optimistic.


   She won't be coming, as we didn't invite her.


   Young as he was, he was equal to the task. (雖然他年青……)

  Young as he was, he was not equal to the task. (因?yàn)樗昵唷?


   Cold as it was, we continued our journey.

  Much as I like ice-cream, I never eat much at a time.

  Try as he would, he could not lift the rock.


   Leave it as it is. (就隨它那樣吧!)

   When in Rome, do as the Romans do. (入鄉(xiāng)隨俗)


  比較兩個(gè)人(事物、程度等)在某方面相同用as...a(chǎn)s,不相同用not so/as...a(chǎn)s。


   Tom is twice as capable as Jim. (湯姆的能力比吉姆強(qiáng)一倍。)

   She's just / quite as clever as her sister. (她完全像她姐姐那樣聰明。)


  It was as pleasant a day as we had ever spent.

  She is as good an actress as her mother.


  You hate him as much as I. ( = You hate him and I hate him, too. )

  You hate him as much as me. ( = You hate him and you hate me, too. )


  My sister is as tall as we. ( = My sister is as tall as I.)

  d) as.-.as結(jié)構(gòu)還可以下面形式出現(xiàn):

  He found riding as tiring as walking.

  It is as easy as falling off a log. ( = Falling off a log is easy.)

  The message is as clear as is necessary. ( = as clear as it is necessary, ??????再清楚不過了。)


  Your face looks (as) white as snow.

  You look (as) pretty as ever.

  She's (as) hard as nails.


  ?Insert as where it is necessary:

  1. Every other nation, the United States used to define its unit of currency, the dollar, in

  terms of the gold standard.

  2. The weeks of summer training are often tense for sports writers they are for football

  players and coaches.

  3. Scientists have recently argued that Einstein's contribution to physics and mathematics is

  important Newton's.

  4. The songs of Bob Dylan are very popular among young people, who regard him superior

  to other musicians.

  5. America will never again have a nation the spirit of adventure it had before the West was


  6. Mr Baker continued to express surprise that Bill had become as successful a lawyer he


  7. Understanding the cultural customs of another nation, especially one containing so many

  diversified subcultures the United States, is a complex, bewildering task.

  8. In order to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary for one to work

  fast possible.

  9. He is interested you are in the matter.

  10. Will you fight men, or die slaves?


  Translate the Chinese in the brackets into English, paying attention to the use of as in each


  1. His friends got him a job (當(dāng)郵局職員 ).

  2. Sam regarded his work (快樂的源泉.).

  3. The blacks were not paid (跟白人一樣多).

  4. (像任何別的的大城市一樣), parts of Washington are not so pleasant。

  5. However, the result was (像過去一樣).

  6. He was (像我們其他人一樣擔(dān)心).

  1. I sat there(盡可能安靜)

  8. Try to get (盡可能高的考試分?jǐn)?shù)) you can.

  9. It is (不像那么糟) it might have been.

  10. The strange thing traveled at speeds up to 150 knots in the sea and went (深達(dá)) five



  Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

  1. As fire tests gold, so does adversity (逆境) test courage.

  2. You should not accept everything you read as true.

  3. This time the Chinese were imported as work crews to construct the transcontinental railroad.

  4. As in the case of their predecessors, these Chinese immigrants were all males.

  11 5. Never be so foolish as to look down on him.

  6. Tonight, he is taking his wife to the cinema as this is pay-day.

  7. Jazz was invented by American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today.

  8. Such girls, as you know, are rare now.

  9. Clever as John was, he found little difficulty in solving the problem.

  10. Young as he is, it is natural that he should commit such a mistake.

  11. That's why things must be kept just as they are.

  12. As friction manifests itself as a resistance that opposes motion, it is usually considered as

  a nuisance.

  13. The cinema, as we have seen, is no longer as popular as it was in the 1930's and 1940's.'

  14. Many people like pubs as much for the companionship they find there as for the drinking.

  15. The book was a report of his European tour as a westerner saw it.

  16. The role is as plain as the nose on your face.

  17. If you are going to leave out some things on a test, it might as well be the things you aren't sure of anyway.

  18. In some ways Pompeii was to Romans as modem Bournemouth is to Londoners.



  a) as against 與。。。相比

  The output amounts to ten thousand dollars as against eight thousand last year.

  b) as compared with 與。。。相比

  German, as compared with French, is difficult to learn.

  c) as for, as to 至于:

  Here I am. As for the others, they'll arrive late.

  As for me, give me liberty or give me death.

  There is no doubt as to who will be elected.

   注:as for后不跟名詞從句;所構(gòu)成的短語一般放在句首,和前面提到的人或事物有關(guān)。8s to后可

  d) as from /as of 自……(日)起:

  The contract shall be in effect as from January 1, 1999.

  e) as a result of 由于……的結(jié)果:

  As a result of the heavy snow, all the traffic was stopped.

  f) as regards 至于

  As regards that, I haven't decided yet.


  a) as above 如上;

  The rule has been explained as above.

  b) as a matter of fact 事實(shí)上:

  As a matter of fact, he wasn't present at the meeting.

  c) as a whole 就整體來說:

  As a whole the relocation (重新安置) seems to have been beneficial.

  d) as follows 如下:

  Their names are as follows.

  e) as good as 和……幾乎一樣,實(shí)際等于

  We're as good as ruined.

  f)as such照其資格;其本身

  He was a guest, and was treated as such.

  History as such is too often neglected.

  g) such as to, so ... as to 這樣的以至:

  His kindness was such as to make us all love him.

  I am not so foolish as to do that.

  h) as yet 尚,至今還(用于否定句):

  I have received no answer from him as yet.

  1) as well 也 '

  Please take this book as well.

   此外,還有as a result, so as to, as usual 等常用固定詞組。

  3) z作關(guān)系代詞

  a) as.. .go 就。。。。一般情況來說

  He is quite good, as boys go.

  b) as it is, as it was 事實(shí)上,按現(xiàn)狀

  I thought conditions would get better, but as it was, they were getting worse.

  They have decided to buy the house as it is.

  c) as it were 好象是

  He became, as it were, a kind of hero from a strange land.


  a) according as 根據(jù);按照。。。。而:

  You may go or stay, according as you decide.

  According as you have informed yourself, you will be able to answer the questions.

  b) in as (so) far as 根據(jù)。。。。程度

  In as (so) far as we can believe the facts, we will use them.

  此外,還有 as far as, as if, as long as, as soon as, as well as等常用詞組


  Choose the one that best completes the sentence:

  1. My husband and I are not Danish. _____, my ancestors were English.

  a. As a result b. As a whole

  c. As usual d. As a matter of fact

  2. Long distance trains are not common in this country _____. those in many other countries.

  a. as from b. as contrasted to

  c. as compared with d. as regards

  3. Because his parents didn't approve of his majoring in physics, William had reluctantly taken civil engineering _____.

  a. as the second choice b. as the choice second

  c. second as choice d. the choice as the second

  4. Because of political and religious persecution, many Europeans fled to the U. S. from industrial countries_____non-industrial countries.

  a. as well as b? as long as

  c. as well d. as fair a&

  5. Geology is the science of the earth _____.

  a. as such b. as a whole

  c. as follows d. as above

  6. The history of nursing _____ the history of man.

  a. as old as b. so old as

  c. that is as old as d. is as old as

  7. You may take an oral or written exam _____ you prefer.

  a. as far as b. as

  c. as against d. in so far as

  8. The new contract becomes effective _____ June 1.

  a. as for b. .as to

  c. as of d. as regards

  9. I don't know_____the others.

  a. as much as b. as tar as

  c. according as d. as good as

  10. A leader, _____, deserves obedience.

  a. as such b. as yet

  c. such as d. as of right

  11. Several people were killed _____ the storm.

  a. as a result b. as a result of

  c. as from d. as to

  12. Janet _____ Mary _____ here.

  a. as well as... is b. as well as.. . are

  c. as good as... is d. as well ... are

  13. Don't accept everything you see _____.

  a. as if it were the truth b. as good as

  c. as it is d. as is true

  14. We should treat others _____ we wish them to treat us.

  a. as b. as if

  c. as long as d. as though

  15. Search _____ I would, I could not find it.

  a. as though ' b. as if

  c. as soon as d. as

  16. You may use the room as you like, _____ you clean it up afterwards.

  a. as far as b. as well as

  c. as soon as d. so long as

  17. He looked at us sadly with eyes _____ her mother's.

  a. a size as b. of size as

  c. too large as d. as large as

  18. Jean worked just as much _____.

  a. like what she was told to b. as she was told to

  c. as to what she tried to do d. like she was told to

  19. Only a week after the fire in the store, it was doing business _____.

  a. as above b. as usual

  c. as such d. as yet

  20. Modem statesmen are often faced with _____ problems _____ defeated the ancient Romans.

  a. the same... as b. such many ... as

  c. as... as such d. such .. .as they ?

  21. She was _____ anyone could find.

  a. as a pleasant old woman as . b. as an old pleasant woman as

  C. as old a pleasant woman as d, as pleasant an old woman as

  22. I hope he won't be _____ weak _____ yield.

  a. as... as to b. so... as for

  c. so... as to d. such ... as to

  23. I walk a long way to my work, _____.

  a. as it is b. as you know

  c. as seems it d. as it seems

  24. The displacement (排水量) of the new ship is 15,000 tons_____12,500 of the older ships.

  a. as for b. as to

  c. as against d. as regards


  Insert as where it is required:


  The water that sinks deep into the ground does not stay motionless. It moves about just water does on the surface. A rule it does not move nearly so fast. But it moves, and it moves it plays its part in the war between land and sea.


  Glaciers (冰川), you probably know, are moving fields or rivers of ice. A glacier moves slowly along over pebbles and boulders (大卵石), it grinds them together. It may grind them into particles fine dust. Some of the pebbles and boulders freeze into the bottom of the glacier. With them tools the glaciers can gouge (挖槽) out the rock over which it passes.


  So one morning, around the famous leaning Tower of Pisa, there was a great stir of people.

  "The youth is headstrong, well deluded (受騙), " sneered one townsman politely.

  "He won't go far with such crazy notions, " rejoined another, shrugging his shoulders. "You will soon see, " he added, pointing to the tower.

  The students, however, who liked Galileo, were anxious.

  "Would to Heaven, " you could hear them say, "that Mr. Galileo might succeed!" Meanwhile the figure of Galileo was showing itself on the top of the tower. In his left hand he balanced a ten-pound shot. In his right, a one-pound shot. The crowd below became tense. A shout went up he suddenly let go of the shots. The two weights cut the air, and — to the greater glory of Galileo — both struck the earth at the same time, just he had said they would。



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